
Film magazine questionnaire

Number 7 Synopsis:  My film magazine will be about new released movies giving a description how the movie would be like. In the front cover it will a written in bold writing and colourful to catch the reader attention straight away. It will also give a description about the director and the main character in the film magazine so reader knows how the movie would be made and who is making the movie.    1. Are you...? Male[ ]     Female[ ]    Other[ ] 2. How old are you? ........................... 3. How often do you buy a film magazine? Weekly[ ]          Monthly[ ]             Yearly[ ]             Never[ ] 4. If you do, what form magazine do you buy? Empire[ ]          Total Film[ ]          Boxoffice[ ]       Rotten Tomatoes[ ] Other ( Please specify)...............................

Initial Ideas for a new film magazine

Number 6                                                                            TOTAL FILM Full of the all the latest film news, movie gossip, ratings and reviews of the big screen films coming to a cinema near you, interviews with A list stars and much, much more! Featuring previews, teasers and hints on what’s coming to the film scene in the coming months and year, it’s time to get out your diary and count down the days to the next big epic blockbuster shattering records around the world! Whether you’re big on fantasy or look forward to the next big action film, there’s plenty to read up on and get excited about with every issue of  Total Film! The use of dark and light colour makes it stand out. The use of colour black gives it a clear structure and it also combine everything ...